Clubs & Organisations
Royal Naval Association- Bognor Regis Contact R Hargest at
Pagham Freemasons Lodge. email: 07503047274.
BOGNOR REGIS LODGE OF FREEMASONS email: - New members welcome.
THE GORDON LODGE OF FREEMASONS meets regularly in Bognor Regis. For more information see the Lodge website at or if you are interested in joining us, in the first place contact the Lodge Secretary by email at:
FELPHAM LADIES PROBUS CLUB meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Beachcroft Hotel, Felpham. Contact Evelyn Cooke on 01243 820860
HEART SUPPORT GROUP (BOGNOR REGIS) Local self help group which welcomes all those who have heart episodes and their supporters. Meetings are at The Chestnut Centre, London Rd, Bognor Regis,PO21 1DE ( behind the public library) at 7.00pm on the 1st Wed. of the month. We also hold exercise sessions Mon & Fridays 4.45pm to 5.45pm. Ken Morgan 01243 862685 or
PARKINSONS UK is a friendly group for all people with Parkinson’s and their carers. Newell Centre, Chichester 2pm 3rd Monday, January thro’ December; Regis School of Music , Bognor Regis 2pm first Tuesday, not January or August. Also therapies and free games afternoons, choir, tai chi and dance sessions, see our Parkinson’s website.
CANCERWISE (Chichester) - Your local cancer support centre providing counselling, complimentary therapies and group sessions. Tavern House, 4 City Business Centre, Basin Road, Chichester, PO19 8DU 01243 778516
THE BRITISH SUGARCRAFT GUILD - Bognor Regis Branch now meet at Middleton Village Hall, Shrubs Drive, Middleton on the 1st Thursday of every month except January, August and December at 7.30pm. Angela Pipkin at or on 07968847167 or on Facebook
HEADWAY WEST SUSSEX supports people living with Acquired Brain Injury, their families and carers. Providing Support Groups, Counselling and an Information Service. / 07938 858153
THE ALDWICK PRESERVATION SOCIETY We were founded in 1977, when we purchased the Duck pond.1987 saw the pond confirmed as an "open space", so it now can't be built on. We have carried out various works over the years to continue to make the area a place of peace and beauty. We need regular funds (we are a charity) to keep the projects going, and we have around 4 main events a year plus life time membership of £10. For further information Paul Bignall, Chairman, 27 Willowhale Avenue, 07736 130888, for more info and how you can get involved.
WILLOWHALE FARM RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION including allotments & neighbouring roads. At the Aldwick Parish Council Offices, 88 Pryors Lane. WFRA invite you to Friday mornings at "The Willows" between 10.00am & 12.00 noon except - 1st, 8th, 15th September Come in for a coffee & chat. We welcome all ages and there is no charge. Members of NORA. email : - 01243 265046
ALDWICK GREEN CONSERVATION SOCIETY is a voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving Aldwick Village Green and it's environs. We welcome new members and lifetime membership is just £5.00.We hold regular fundraising events, and have a work party on the last Sunday of every month - all ages and abilities welcome. More details: Julie Robinson 868881 or
BOGNOR REGIS PROBUS CLUB. was founded in 1982 as an association for retired and semi-retired businessmen and professionals in the local area although status isn’t an issue nowadays. Members meet at the Beachcroft Hotel, Felpham on the third Wednesday of each month for lunch, followed by a talk. Recent talks have been on a wide range of subjects from Butlins to Bletchley Park. Outings are organised during the year. If you think this might be of interest, why not give it a try? Please contact Guy Ashby on 01243 584042 or Bill Page on 01243 841246.
THE LABURNUM CENTRE is a vibrant and friendly activity and social club for the over 50’s. Over 40 clubs and classes a week . Lyon street in Bognor Regis. 01243 827185
BOGNOR REGIS CAMERA CLUB Please visit our website for full information including this year’s programme, or telephone Rob - 01243 267642.
BOGNOR REGIS & DISTRICT DOG TRAINING CLUB is affiliated to the Kennel Club of Great Britain and has to meet strict criteria. Training classes take place every Thursday and Friday evenings, at the Felpham Village Memorial Hall, Vicarage Lane, Felpham. Hilary Sykes - 01243 860083
PAGHAM & DISTRICT RESIDENT’ ASSOCIATION Coffee Mornings, Pagham Village Hall, 10am - 11.30 am, 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. EVERYONE WELCOME. Telephone 01243 697593
BOGNOR REGIS AFTERNOON WI Meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at The Shore Studio, Bognor Regis Baptist Church, 73 Victoria Drive, Bognor Regis. PO21 2TD - 01243 841528
2ND PAGHAM & ALDWICK GUIDES Fiona on 07930 481 724 .
Mid Sussex Caledonian Society open to all residents of Sussex with either Scottish heritage or an active interest in Scotland. We host various events, further details can be found at
THE R.A.F.A. CLUB New members welcome - no need to be Ex - Service. Great facilities including a fully stocked bar with a choice of real ale. Restaurant. And full size Snooker table. Waterloo Square - 01243 865615.
BOGNOR REGIS ROTARY CLUB meet every Monday at the Bognor Regis Golf Club. Our meetings are on our web site at Info: 07760185270 email:
BOGNOR HOTHAM ROTARY CLUB We meet at the Bognor Regis Golf Club every Tuesday, for more information call 01243 584049 or visit our website -
COFFEE POT MORNING Tues 10-11.45am at the Aldwick Parish Council Offices
WILLOWHALE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Provide a variety of activities. For further information please contact Julie 07931 966026
BOGNOR REGIS ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION First Tuesday of every month at the Royal Airforce Association Club, Waterloo Square at 12.30pm. All ex - Royal Navy, Royal Marines, WRNS and QARNNS are welcome to join as well as all serving. Shipmate Ron Hargest, 106 Pryors Lane, Rose Green, 01243 263645
BOGNOR TEA & CHAT (Chichester Area Mind Ltd) for over 65's who have or are experiencing problems with mental health. Call Joanne Bulis - 074 950 77341
BOGNOR REGIS WEA - 0300 303 3464 or Enrol online at
Oddfellows Friendly Society - 01243 265360 -
TUESDAY FRIENDSHIP CLUB First & third Tuesday at the Methodist Church Hall at 7pm (not January & July to October) Diverse Speakers. All welcome . Contact Lilian Knight 01243 822510
BEFRIENDERS GROUP meets the 1st and the 3rd Wed monthly .12.00 - 2.00p.m. at West Meads Surgery
PAGHAM FRIENDSHIP CLUB 1st Wed. each month at Pagham Village Hall at 2.30pm. We are retired ladies who enjoy social meetings, outings and other events together. 01243 869113.
CONCORDE SOCIAL CLUB A club for over 60 who are single, divorced or widowed. We meet at The Walnut Tree, Runcton at 8.00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month Please contact Joy on 07985 548610 or Alf 01243 821645
THE BOGNOR REGIS LOCAL HISTORY MUSEUM is now open for the season, with new displays for you to enjoy. Entry is FREE. The Museum is situated in West Street and is shown by many maps around the town. On sale are many books on the history of Bognor Regis as well as various toys for the children. There are also competitions to entertain. Volunteers and Society members work hard behind the Scenes to bring together new and exciting displays for each season. Visit the website for more information: -
MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION West Sussex South Branch. Provides help and support to people living with MND, their families and friends, local support groups, fundraising, equipment and information. Sue:01243 697211 email:
THE BOGNOR REGIS LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Visit the website for more information:
AIR ACES is an aviation talk society, providing regular talks given by experts in many different fields of aviation. Talks are held on the 4th Monday of each month at 7.30pm at the Chichester Park Hotel,Westhampnett, Chichester. PO19 7QL . We have been in existence for four years and attract 100 or more people for each talk. For more information - Phone: 01243 823007 website:
BOGNOR MEN’S SHEDS Durban Rd. PO22 9QU 10am -1pm Tue/Wed/Thurs on Facebook or bognorshed@gmail
St.Richards Bellringers. Practice night Tuesday 7.30.Beginners welcome. Please contact Jono 07510 140258
Keep Fit & Hobbies
BOGNOR CROQUET CLUB Contact Mags Baines on 01243 266140 email:
BOGNOR COUNTRYSIDE AMBLERS Tony Gibson - 01243 263123 - email -
ARUN SPORTS ASSOCIATION FOR THE DISABLED Sundays at The Arena Sports Centre, Bognor 01243 828718 email:
PAGHAM F.C. 01243 266112 - 07760771099 -
WEST MEADS KEEP FIT GROUP Tuesdays 2.30pm - 3.30pm at West Meads Centre. Term time only. contact: Cherry Ward 01243 864529
BOGNOR REGIS CRICKET CLUB In conjunction with Aldwick Cricket Club. John Hooker 07967482056
PAGHAM YACHT CLUB Join PYC and be part of an exceptionally social club that enjoys sailing, fishing, golf, kayaking, windsurfing and much more. You do not have to participate in a sport to join the club and be part of the fun. Contact Steve 07740 054858 or or
MAYWOOD SURGERY Gentle Exercise Class Thursdays 1.00-1.45pm.Eileen Rogers: 07510 154561
BOGNOR REGIS ZEN JUDO CLUB every Monday evening 7pm to 9pm (mixed session) All Students and Grades. Pay As You Go £5 per session. South Bersted Church Hall. 07506689314 or 07904081211
BERSTED CARPET BOWLS CLUB Sessions on Monday: 2.00pm - 3.30pm & 3.30pm - 5.00pm, Wednesday:2.00pm - 3.30pm, Friday: 2.00pm - 3.30pm Kay - 01243 698474
WEST MEADS CARPET BOWLS CLUB Tuesday 9.15 am - 11.45am in the Community Hall.
BOGNOR GOODWOODS SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB Year-round bowling at St Wilfrids Church Hall, Ellasdale Rd. Tuesday evening 6.30 - 9pm & most Friday mornings. Marion Goodland on 01243 262675
NYETIMBER SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB Meet at Pagham Village Hall on Monday evenings from 6.00pm - 9pm, Tues and Fri from 2 - 6pm. Ted Moore 01243 268184
WILLOWHALE BOWLS CLUB 5 sessions per week, afternoons & evenings, vacancies on all sessions Willowhale Community Centre. More info: Perrie 01243 267291
PAGHAM BADMINTON CLUB Tuesday 8.00pm-10.30pm in the Pagham Village Hall - 01243 828961
BOGNOR REGIS SQUASH & RACKETBALL CLUB, Hawthorn Road. 01243 823043 / 865462
ARUN VOLLEYBALL CLUB Juniors: 6-8pm every Thursday at Six Villages Sport Centre, Westergate and 6-7pm every Friday at Arun Leisure Centre, Felpham Community College. Ladies session: 8-10pm every Thursday at Six Villages Men session: 8-10 every Friday at Six Villages Sport Centre. Enquiries to club secretary Olena: on 07779 258 556 or email:
PAGHAM BOWLS CLUB is in Swansea Gardens, off Victoria Road North. During the summer season we hold coaching lessons on a Tuesday morning 10.00 until 11.30hrs. If you are interested in learning to play bowls, please look for our advert about our Open Recruitment Day which usually takes place in May.If you are a bowler and would like to join Pagham Bowls club, please contact: Peter Burrell, Secretary. Tel:- 01243869422 Email:-
BLIND BOWLS Do you know someone who’s registered as partially sighted or registered as blind? Then why not bring them along to us Bognor Beavers Visually Impaired Bowls Club. We meet most Tuesday afternoons .The visually impaired can and do play bowls very well, of course we can’t play at all without our sighted helpers, so perhaps you could spare a couple hours to help keep us going? No experience required. Annie Cote, Secretary, on 01243 837669
BOGNOR REGIS BOWLS CLUB Would you like to find a gentle sport that will get you out in the open air - then contact us on 01243 827787 or visit .We are a friendly club and looking for ladies and gents. Don't worry if this is a new sport to you, we have free coaching to get you started and then you will be hooked!
PAGHAM CRICKET CLUB Calling all cricketers, aged 7 to 15 years of age, come and have a go at batting & bowling at our friendly club, for more information see under the Colts Section or email Richard at 07971 829144
BOGNOR TENNIS CLUB We are a friendly club offering a warm welcome to everyone interested in playing tennis. Please visit our website or contact 01243 933105 -
NORTH MUNDHAM TENNIS CLUB We are a small friendly club with 2 hard courts in the Playing Fields behind North Mundham Primary School. Details; Frances Neave on 01243 782391 or
BOGNOR RUGBY CLUB Tel: 01243 824000
BOGNOR REGIS AFTERNOON WI 3rd Thursday of each month at St. Wilfrid's Church Hall, Ellasdale Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 2SG from 1 - 3 p.m. 01243 84152
FELPHAM & MIDDLETON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 4th Thurs. of month 7.30pm St Mary's Centre, Felpham 01243 867899
ROSE GREEN WI 7.30pm 2nd Wednesday month Rowland Rank Centre 01243 827464
Music & Dance
WEST SUSSEX GUITAR CLUB WEST SUSSEX GUITAR CLUB We enjoy ensemble classes every Monday afternoon 1.30pm – 3.30pm; fortnightly at 7.45pm the Guitar Orchestra, and at 6.30pm the Performance Workshop meet. To join us ring 01243 866462. We also have professional concerts. Club nights, Festivals and parties. Recital Hall, 46 Sudley Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 1ER
REGIS ORGAN AND KEYBOARD CLUB Last Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. Internationally recognised organists & keyboard players perform for us - 01243 824070 -
THE BOGNOR REGIS INTERNATIONAL DANCE ENSEMBLE Jeneses Art Centre, Linden Rd. Mondays - 7.30pm. For more information please phone 01243 265010 or
BALANDIS-LILLEY BALLET SCHOOL Ballet Classes for over 50. Principal - Sandra Lilley. Classes every Friday at North Mundham Village Hall at 10.30. Classical syllabus especially for this age group. 01243 264832
ARUN A CAPPELLA are a friendly group of ladies who enjoy harmony singing. We meet on Mondays (except Bank Holidays) at Jubilee Hall, off Chalcraft Lane, North Bersted, Bognor Regis PO21 5TU from 7.30 - 9.45 pm. and welcome new members aged 16 and over. or 01243 826448
THE REVUSICALS A friendly group of singers which meets on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in the Church Hall of St Mary Magdalene, Bersted Street, South Bersted. New members, both male and female welcome. For information: Irene 01243 855144 or Barbara 01243 266193.
BOGNOR REGIS SCOTTISH DANCE CLUB Come and join us for an evening of enjoyable dancing every Tuesday evening at Nyewood CE Junior School, during term time. New members always welcome. For more information go to Tel: 07793536377
FELPHAM & MIDDLETON ENGLISH DANCE CLUB Fridays 7.30pm. Small Jubilee Hall, Elmer Rd, Middleton. Tel: 01243 265010 or
COUSTICS GUITAR CLUB A music club open to all acoustic instruments, not just guitars! Playing popular songs from the 1960s onwards in a group format. An inclusive and social club where the emphasis is very much on playing and joining in! Meeting on the first Thursday of the month at The Chichester Inn, West Street, Chichester, 8pm - 10pm. find us on facebook or contact Jon 07974 524871.
REGIS ORGAN AND KEYBOARD CLUB Last Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. Internationally recognised organists & keyboard players perform for us - 01243 824070 -
BOGNOR REGIS CONCERT BAND Tuesdays during term time at the Regis School of Music Sudley Rd. 7.30 - 9.30pm. New members always welcome for more info go to or Telephone 07864 543802
WEST SUSSEX GUITAR CLUB WEST SUSSEX GUITAR CLUB We enjoy ensemble classes every Monday afternoon 1.30pm – 3.30pm; fortnightly at 7.45pm the Guitar Orchestra, and at 6.30pm the Performance Workshop meet. To join us ring 01243 866462. We also have professional concerts. Club nights, Festivals and parties. Recital Hall, 46 Sudley Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 1ER
REGIS SINGERS Wednesdays 6pm-7pm The Recital Hall, Regis School of Music. Email: